
Ttavas Artist Residency
August 3rd | CUPRA Museum

Fengaros Music Village proudly collaborates with Λarnaka 2030 - European Capital of Culture Candidate City, to initiate Ttavas - a unique artist residency bringing together artists from Cyprus and the Middle East. Yussif Yassen (Kuwait), Cemre Arca (Famagusta), Alexandros Komodromos (Larnaka) and Panayiota Kontovourki (Larnaka) will take part in an intense 5-day residency to develop an original set of music that will be proudly presented in Fengaros Festival 2024. The goal of Ttavas Artist Residency is to enhance and strengthen collaborations between artists from Cyprus and Middle East and provide musicians with a safe space that has no limits in order to further develop their collaboration skills and repertoire. 
Ttavas Artist Residency is an initiative of Fengaros Music Village in collaboration with Λarnaka 2030 - European Capital of Culture Candidate City

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