Sophie Fetokaki Reacts 2021 Vol. 2

Sophie Fetokaki
Monday 15th November 21:15 EET / Fengaros Reacts

Sophie Fetokaki is releasing her album Abundance in November 2021. The making of the album was an elaborate ritual, in which many faces of the past were gathered together into a radiant and celebratory present. Through offering the heart to devotion and the voice to song, the work of the album was to break the bonds of endless repetition, and to unlearn modes of scarcity that give rise to so many of our deceptive desires. Carrying out this momentous transformation required calling on many traditions of song magic, and drawing on their wisdom and beauty to ensure the ritual was as effective as possible. For this reason, Abundance gathers together a love song from the Greek Dodecanese, an Appalachian/Ozark ballad, a shape-note hymn, a German Baroque aria, a Neapolitan canzone, a ceremonial song from Epirus, a processional song from Minas Gerais, an Appalachian hymn, and a Lied by Schumann. Interwoven into this ceremonial songbook are three of Sophie's own songs, prayers of dedication, hopefulness and release that mark important stages of the journey. As well as a collection of songs, Abundance is also an invitation to uncover what can be healed and transformed in your own life, through ritual, ceremony and celebration.

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